
Zinsser Strip Fast Furniture Refinisher

I've been dropping hints virtually doing a stripping tutorial, and TODAY IS THE DAY!

I call back stripping furniture is a universally dreaded chore. Understandably! Simply information technology's really not that difficult or time-consuming once you go your supplies together and just go for it! I predict that painted article of furniture is going to be a matter of the past sooner than later, and then we might equally well become familiar with the techniques needed to undo all those blasted layers of paint we've inflicted on our furniture!

The ins and outs of STRIPPING! (Stripping furniture 101)

Our new friend Sandy dropped off her tabletop to become a staining treatment washed my moi, but before I could exercise my magic, I needed to strip 'er down to the raw wood.

Ready to acquire how to disrobe your wood!

Your wood project, before

On some other twenty-four hour period I'thou going to do a tutorial on stripping painted woods with nooks and crannies, just today nosotros're going to focus on the basics and only tackle the strippage of elementary stained/polyed wood.

These 3 tools are KEY!

Essentials of STRIPPING!

(contains affiliate links)

  1. Hefty Scraper (we honey this one )
  2. Simple wire brush
  3. Stripper (we've tried a LOT, and this one is the best. Hands down)

Let'due south talk about brands of stripper for a moment. We've tried a LOT of them, and Zinsser  is our favorite easily down. Information technology does the job Then HARD. Citristrip is trendy and it smells like a creamsicle… but NO. We're not here to mess around.

I brushed on the stripper with a natural bristle chip castor on a two'x2' area.


SAFETY Note: No demand to wear a mask, simply I recommend wearing gloves and eye protection. I shudder at the thought of getting a spatter in your eyeball)

The stripper starts making the finish bubble up within seconds. Later finishing my two-foot section, I wait 2-3 minutes, so commencement scraping away with my hefty scraper. This affair is similar a putty pocketknife on steroids.

Plan on frequently scraping the goobers off your scraper. I keep an empty ice foam bucket handy for the nasties.

Stripping a Stained Finish

The majority of the finish is gone, but you can see how the wood is still holding onto some of the stain.

Stripping Furniture 101

So I repeat step 1 and slop on some more stripper, and so scrub at it with the wire brush to really get into the grain of the woods.

Stripping Furniture 101- using the wire brush

So scrape one terminal time.

How to strip

It'll be very obvious when the stain is gone. Yous'll just know. Y'all'll feel it in your heart of hearts.

Once the stain is gone, it's time to sand

Then sand 'er down REAL polish. I start out with 120 grit, and terminate off with 220. I used an orbital sander, merely information technology would work simply as good sanding past paw. You might just need to employ some elbow grease.

Stripping and Sanding Furniture

Stripping and Sanding Furniture before and after

Simple as that!

Hither's my quote for the twenty-four hour period:

'Stripping is a dingy job, but sometimes you MUST for the greater adept.'

And so every bit not to go out you without an after motion picture, hither's Sandy's table with my stained technique! For the full tutorial on that, click hither !

Stripping furniture and unique staining technique!

And exist certain to click here for our tutorial on stripping pigment from cracks and crevices, and furniture with ornate detail!

Stripping Paint (102) - all the nooks and crannies!


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