
Cost to Refinish Dining Table and Chairs

This is the story of how not one, but two dining tables got a complete refresh thank you to a footling elbow grease, ZERO chemical strippers, and, well, a lot of sanding. Information technology'south a attestation to how easy information technology can be to breathe new life into an old piece of thrift store article of furniture.

Why Refinish Two Dining Tables?

Nosotros needed 2 wood dining tables for our duplex rental because each side has its own dining space. We planned to apply our old dining table for ane side, which you can run into in this photograph from our second volume. We replaced information technology over a twelvemonth ago with a bigger table that we also scored on Facebook Market.

young house love bright modern dining room makeover home decor

We actually got that table equally part of a tabular array swap with a friend. What, you haven't heard of a table swap? Only kidding information technology's non a thing, but information technology worked out well. The big round table from our 2nd firm was too broad for our dining room, and her rectangular Crate & Barrel one was also small for hers. And then, nosotros swapped!

She had warned usa that the reddish stop was pretty scratched up and needed some refinishing at the time, only we just never got around to doing information technology. And for the terminal twelvemonth or so, it's merely been stored upwardly in our attic waiting for eventual transport to the duplex.

Before I show you more of that tabular array, let me introduce you to the other table we refinished for the duplex. This was my sister's former farmhouse dining table (which you can see in this old post from when nosotros house crashed her in 2013) and nosotros jumped at the chance to buy it earlier she listed information technology on Facebook Marketplace. It was also pretty worn from years of use, but the size was perfect and nosotros loved how solid and casual it was.

These dining tables were bang-up candidates for refinishing considering they were both made from solid wood. If either had a laminate or wood veneer tiptop to them, it would've required a unlike approach. And since both tables were secondhand and already far from perfect, information technology made the states less nervous nearly attempting to refinish them. Especially since the first step is to have a sander to them!

We love to avoid using any harsh chemicals when nosotros tin can, so here's what yous'll need to refinish a table using this method:

  • Electric sander, like this corded random orbital sander or a battery-operated palm sander
  • Coarse (80-dust) and medium or fine (120-grit) sandpaper for your sander
  • Paper towels or tack material (optional)
  • Shop vacuum (optional)
  • Stain-grade paintbrushes
  • Rags
  • Forest stain in colors of your choosing (we did Minwax Special Walnut and Minwax Archetype Gray)
  • Water-based polyurethane (we used this "Triple Thick" version)
  • Mask
  • Nirile gloves

Those last 2 are just to keep you a piffling safer and cleaner while you're working.

Step i: Sand A Test Spot

We were a little anxious about taking a sander to a Crate & Barrel table, and then nosotros dipped our toes in slowly by first removing and sanding the summit of ane of the legs. Nosotros weren't sure how deep the stain went and what type of wood waited for united states of america underneath. Plus, if nosotros didn't like what we establish, no one would ever see the failed attempt.

But fortunately, it worked. BEAUTIFULLY. This was our cue to proceed.

Step 2: Sand Off The Old Stop

Once we had the green lite to proceed, nosotros started sanding all surfaces using coarse 80-grit sandpaper on the bombardment-operated corner cat sander I already owned. Working in pocket-size sections at a time and moving with the grain of the forest, we could slowly see the old stain come up off and reveal the lighter wood underneath each table.

The battery-operated sander did a fine job, but it was slow going. Later on an 60 minutes or and so of piece of work, I went and bought this $79 corded random orbital sander to meet if a lilliputian bit more than ability (cue the Tim Taylor jokes) could get me a cleaner and faster result.

It. Was. So. Worth. It.

Step three: Polish Out Scratches & Dents

My new corded sander showed its worth especially when it came to removing some of the stubborn scratches and marks on the farmhouse tabular array. Run across the left photo below, which was taken before I used it, and the much cleaner and more stripped shot on the right, which was taken every bit I was going over it with the orbital sander. This old farmhouse table had some pretty gnarly gouges and this helped me smoothen them out.

Information technology was besides a lot faster, which helped immensely when it came to sanding off the thick manufacturing plant terminate on the Crate & Barrel table. I couldn't believe how much wood grain was hiding under that dark ruby-red stain!

Stride 4: End Sanding With Fine Grit Newspaper

Once all of the finish is removed from the entire table (the meridian, legs, brim, etc) information technology'southward usually a practiced idea to give your table a in one case-over with a finer grit sandpaper (like 120-grit) to smooth out the finish. This might be particularly helpful on the table top surface itself.

All in all information technology probably took us 2 to iii hours to sand both tables, peculiarly because of all of the legs and aprons we had to get too. But I was happy to have discovered the new heavier-duty sander and even MORE happy about the results.

Step 5: Clean Off Your Sanding Dust

With the hardest part behind you, brand sure yous accept a moment to remove all of your sanding dust and debris because you'll want a totally clean surface before you lot start applying any new stain or sealers. Since we were outside, we used our leaf-blower to become most of the dust away, only a shop vacuum would as well exercise the fox. You can also go over the surface with a clammy paper towel or tack cloth afterwards to remove any lingering sawdust.

Step half-dozen: Utilize Your Stain And/Or Sealer

We decided to transport our tables to the duplex like this and then stain and seal them in identify, that way nosotros could be sure we liked how the stain colors were looking in the infinite (and adjust them if they looked weird in the rooms).

First, since nosotros liked the raw expect of both tables, nosotros tested what it would await like if we simply articulate-sealed both tables. Here it is going on the farmhouse tabular array from my sis.

Nosotros loved the effect on this dining table since it deepened the color simply slightly and didn't disguise any of the wood grain. Sherry applied ane coat of basic water-based sealer, and and then for our 2d glaze nosotros tried this "Triple Thick" version to add together actress protection and durability. Information technology went on just every bit easily and we love the satin end. Highly recommend it.

Here'southward a reminder of what the peak of this table looked like before:

And once we finished clear-sealing it, the lop looked similar this:

Now the room has come up a lot further (also as that kitchen behind it), then this is the final result. Nosotros love how it ties into the wood door that you run across peeking out of the mudroom adjacent to the kitchen.

Duplex Dining Room With Blue And Wood Kitchen In Background
cabinets |white cabinets |tile |dining chairs |like dining table |chandelier |art | walls: SW Spare White | trim: SW Extra White

Stride 7: Don't Be Afraid To Layer Stains

When information technology came to the Crate & Barrel table, our fiddling test spot of the articulate sealer merely brought out the red undertones of the wood when it dried, which is Non what we wanted. So we decided to stain it with a cooler brown colour to downplay the crimson. Our first instinct was to use Special Walnut by Minwax, since that's what nosotros used on the duplex floors (you lot can see the earlier & afters of those here).

It was looking skilful as it was going on, but in one case it dried it looked redder than nosotros wanted (almost like information technology was slowly creeping back to original scarlet color that we painstakingly sanded off). So we darted out to the hardware store and bought a grey stain instead (called Classic Grey) and wiped on a very light coat to run into if it would cool off the red undertones.

It did just the affair we were looking for, and then it was full steam alee on this combination of stains. So we wiped on a really light coat of the Classic Grayness over the Special Walnut coat and and so immediately wiped it off (the can ordinarily tells you to await, but not letting it soak in kept the color from getting too gray).

In the end, we're and so glad that you can still see the variation in the wood tones through those two-layered stains, and afterward that quick Classic Gray coat stale, we did two coats of that same "Triple Thick" sealer we used on the other tabular array and BINGO BANGO, both tables were done.

Every bit a reminder, this is how the red Crate & Barrel table started.

And here we are now, complete with our tiered capiz chandelier (in the gold finish) above that table.

Bright Dining Room With Capiz Chandelier Looking Into Pink And Blue Kitchen
dining chairs |similar dining table|chandelier |mirror |cabinets |tile |pendant |faucet |hardware | walls: SW Spare White | trim: SW Extra White

On the other side we used our mixed-finish wire earth calorie-free (which also comes in white + brass, or all bronze) and added the white dining chairs from our article of furniture line. Sherry laughed virtually the fact that between the table, the chairs, and the backsplash in here, we're repping something old, something new, and something blueish. Maybe the duplex guests tin can count equally "something borrowed" since they aren't permanent? Might be a stretch.

Duplex Dining Room With Blue And Wood Kitchen In Background
cabinets |white cabinets |tile |dining chairs |like dining table |chandelier |art | walls: SW Spare White | trim: SW Extra White

In the end, neither of us really knew what to look as the consequence of these refinishing escapades, but nosotros're extremely relieved that they worked out and so well. And apart from the new sander, some sealer & stain, and the cheap family unit rate my sis gave u.s.a. on her table (ha!) nosotros didn't have to spend anywhere close to the price of ii make new tables. Which clearly is our favorite political party play a trick on because our other two dining tables are also secondhand. Just gotta get effectually to refinishing them sometime… maybe in five more years if we stick to our pattern.

Alternate: How To Pigment Furniture

At present, if your refinishing and staining didn't go every bit planned or yous decided it'southward not the look you wanted, we likewise have a tutorial for how to pigment furniture that works great on wood article of furniture. If your tabular array isn't fully forest, we've as well got tips for painting laminate or veneer also!

P.S. For lots of other furniture makeovers & DIY projects, bank check out our Furniture Upgrades category.

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